Queen Quet
Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation
Queen Quet's Gullah/Geechee History Books

Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seeds in the Winds of the Diaspora Volume I
St. Helena's Serenity
In Volume I of this historic series on Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, and culture, Queen Quet focuses on the arrival of Africans on the Sea Islands and expands to discuss the history of her home island, St. Helena. This is the only book on the history of the island done by a native Gullah/Geechee.

Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seeds in the Winds of the Diaspora Volume II
Gawd Dun Smile Pun We: Beaufort Isles
In Volume II of this historic series on Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, and culture, Queen Quet focuses on the history of Beaufort County, SC which primarily consist of Sea Islands including Hilton Head, Lady's Island, Fripp Island, and the island of Port Royal.

Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seeds in the Winds of the Diaspora Volume III
Frum We Soul tuh de Soil: Cotton, Rice, and Indigo
In Volume III of this historic series on Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, and culture, Queen Quet focuses on the three major cash crops that built the infrastructure of not only the Gullah/Geechee Nation, but the entire United States due to the exploitation of African ingenuity and scientific ability.

Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seeds in the Winds of the Diaspora Volume IV
Volume IV of this historic series on Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, and culture allows the reader to learn a small amount of Gullah/Geechee history for every day of the year. It includes the details on the Gullah/Geechee Nation Flag and also a curriculum for group studies.
Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seeds in the Winds of the Diaspora Volume IV
Volume IV of this historic series on Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, and culture allows the reader to learn a small amount of Gullah/Geechee history for every day of the year. It includes the details on the Gullah/Geechee Nation Flag and also a curriculum for group studies.

Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seeds in the Winds of the Diaspora Volume V
Cha'stun an E Islandts
Volume V of this historic series on Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, and culture takes the readers on a journey through Charleston County, SC's Sea Islands and the historic peninsula which was the largest enslavement auction block in North America.

The Legacy of Ibo Landing: Gullah Roots of African American Culture​
This human rights award winning anthology was compiled and edited by Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation. It was the first anthology ever done by a native Gullah/Geechee. It contains art work, recipes, fiction, non-fiction, and maps and charts that show the various African countries of origin of the Gullah/Geechee people and their traditions including the Gullah language.

WEBE Gullah/Geechee Cultural Capital & Collaboration Anthology
This anthology picks up where "Legacy of Ibo Landing" left off and allows people to see the numerous on-going battles for human and land rights as well as environmental sustainability and justice that are going on in the Gullah/Geechee Nation. It also provides a guide for community engagement and collaboration.

Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seeds in the Winds of the Diaspora Volume VI
A Place fa We: Black Townships on the Coast of the Gullah/Geechee
Volume VI of this historic series on Gullah/Geechee history, heritage, and culture focuses on the incorporated townships and historic Black beaches in the Gullah/Geechee Nation.