Historical Effects of Migration on Gullah/Geechee Cultural Continuation
Queen Quet, Chieftess, Elder Carlie Towne, Minister of Information, Dr. Najmah Thomas, and Dr. Jessica Berry of the Gullah/Geechee Nation op
Historical Effects of Migration on Gullah/Geechee Cultural Continuation
Ef hunnuh cumin ta ASALH, hunnuh wan yeddi frum de tru #GullahGeechee Scholar! ASALH Living Legends, Queen Quet, Chieftess of the...
Queen Quet at the James Jamerson Day Bass Symposium
Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (www.QueenQuet.com) like millions of other people has long been a supporter of the...
Queen Quet Speaks for Climate Crisis Rally
Are you concerned about the future of our planet? Worried about what rising sea level and increased hurricanes means for Charleston, SC...
Charleston Post & Courier features Gullah/Geechee Nation International Music & Movement Fest
The Charleston Post & Courier featured the "Gullah/Geechee Nation International Music & Movement Festivalâ„¢ 2018" which was founded by...
Queen Quet Speaks Out Against Penn Center Fence Controversy
The Concerned Citizens of St. Helena Island have rallied and marched against Penn Center which was originally the missionary "Penn...