Queen Quet 2020 Headline News

Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (www.QueenQuet.com) and Founder of the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition (www.GullahGeechee.net) celebrated 20 years as the Head of State, Queen Mother, and spokesperson for Gullah/Geechees during 2020. In spite of the pandemic, she continued to lead the nation and the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition in insuring the protection of the rights of her people. As a result, numerous news outlets captured the successful engagements that took place.
Fordham Magazine
Patient Safety
We the Women from Charleston Post & Courier
Gullah/Geechee Nation’s Queen Quet Joins US Representatives in Unveiling Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act via WSAV-TV
Queen Quet Religious Horse Cartoon
Queen Mother Celebrates 20 Years from WTOC-TV
De Wata Bring We: De Gullah/Geechee Journey in Charleston’s Choice 2020
Gullah/Geechee Black History Living Legend Queen Quet Releases New Children’t Book from Charleston Chronicle
Gullah/Geechee Nation Celebrates 20th Anniversary Amidst COVID-19 Concerns
Juneteenth Celebrated by African American Farmers from Food & Environment Reporting Network
Queen Quet Winton Chair and Professor at UMN
A Growing Culture’s Broadcast Celebrating Black Voices on Juneteenth
The Environmental Racism Threatening South Carolina’s Black Communities
CariFest Virtual Lecture
Tracking Down Gullah Eats
Bay Point
Gullah artists from SC claim their culture from Charleston Post & Courier
Gullah/Geechee Nation Appreciation Week 2020
Climate Change
Ocean Conservancy Interview
World Oceans Month and the Flow of Justice
NCSU Public History Students Working on Virtual Reality Project
• Preserving the Language, Land, and Heritage of the Gullah Geechee People
iHeart Climate: Flooding Survivors Story
Eco-Interviews featuring Queen Quet