Queen Quet presents "Reality of Being Gullah/Geechee" in the UK
Celebrating Black History Month, the Institute for Black Atlantic Research (IBAR), in conjunction with the Lancashire Research Centre for Migration, Diaspora and Exile (MIDEX) and the School of Humanities and Global Studies, is proud to present:
Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (www.QueenQuet.com), is the elected Head-of-State and spokesperson for Gullah/Geechees. The Gullah/Geechee Nation exist in the Atlantic Ocean off the southeastern coast of the United States. Queen Quet is on the "Healin' de Land World Tour" to raise funds and awareness for the Gullah/Geechee Nation. In this interactive histo-musical presentation, Queen Quet will bring to life 'The Reality of Being Gullah/Geechee.' She will provide information on how this unique ethnic group of people of African and indigenous American descent that reside on the Sea Islands have either been left out of history books or misrepresented in fictional films and books. Gullah/Geechees are proud people of African descent that have maintained their own unique language, music, foodways, and traditions that are currently being threatened by climate change outcomes including increasing intensity of hurricanes and sea level rise. Queen Quet will take us on a journey through their cultural history and continuing legacy from TransAtlantic Slave Trade to human rights and their current stand to stay on their land.

The event will take place, as part of English Literature & Creative Writing’s ‘In Conversation Series’, on 28 October, 12.30 to 2.30 pm in the Creative Innovation Zone (ME 414), Media Factory 4th Floor, Kirkham Street, PR1 2HE (Sat-Nav, mobile maps postcode PR1 2XY). The event is free, but please register by clicking here.
Light refreshments will be provided. This event is free but booking is essential.